Jake Carroll 

Jake Carroll

Director, Research Computing Centre
The University of Queensland

Surfing The Data Tsunami - From Instruments To Discovery using UQ CAMERA


In this presentation, delegates will hear the story of what the UQ Research Computer Centre (RCC) team achieved when faced with a tsunami of research data of inexplicable scale. This is the unlikely story of UQ's ‘CAMERA’.

CAMERA is a novel research-computing infrastructure that facilitates the CApture, ManagEment, stoRage and Analysis of data from scientific instruments. It unifies a range of otherwise disparate and independent software and hardware components and allows researchers to store and process data uniformly, regardless of the type of instrument.

The integration and technical feat achieved through CAMERA is seamless meaning that researchers are not adversely impacted and can focus on the importance of their research and findings, while the software manages the storage, cataloguing and saving of data for them in a central repository. Not only does this support excellence in research right now, but the enhanced storage of data and structed meta-data now captured will support research of the future.  

Facilitating this is UQ's data fabric, known as MeDiCI - the Metropolitan Data Intensive Caching Infrastructure. 

Delegates will learn about the principles behind the data fabric, how it enables seamless data and compute interactions and how it can add value in other organisations.

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