David Bellenger & Tyson Elder

David Bellenger
Lead (ITSM Process)
The University of Western Australia

Tyson Elder
Lead (ITSM Process)
The University of Western Australia

CMDB: Building a Lego House Without Instructions


UWA IT have been enhancing their IT Asset Management capability over the course of the several years and have learnt many lessons on the way. From automation of hardware and software asset discovery to a CMDB, we have been able to deliver benefits across UWA. 

We are able to track all UWA managed assets and the software installed on them, allowing us to reconcile against license details to ensure compliant use. 

We can see how assets on our network are being used, and can also determine how often and for how long software is being accessed, giving us full visibility of our assets under management in one central system. 

After generating 750,000 'Lego blocks' we realised we'd need to click it together to tell the story, but we didn't have instructions. So we expanded our scope to include infrastructure assets, and have implemented service mapping to provide configuration item relationships, including business and technical services. 

This has resulted in end-to-end service maps from the IT portfolio, through application and on down to the data centre. This gives us key insights into our critical offerings and the applications and infrastructure they depend; ultimately an impressive Lego set.

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