What to expect from the Communities ‘unconference’ Day

The concept of an ‘unconference’ day has proven to be an extremely popular choice for the CAUDIT Communities in providing an opportunity for their events to thrive without predefined topics and boundaries. 

An unconference day is a participant-driven conference model that creates a space for peer-to-peer learning, collaboration and creativity, and gives attendees the freedom to create the event they want.   Picture a round table discussion with more people and less presentations.

How it all works:

Who wants to talk about what?  Prior to the Communities Day all registered participants will receive a link to a live document where you are encouraged to add topic ideas that you would like to hear about or share with the group.  Your inspiration for your topics may come from things you have seen and heard during THETA, through your everyday work, or through other channels.

How the topics get decided on.   On the day all of the topics will be listed, and attendees will get to vote on which ones they are most interested in hearing about.  This will determine the order of preference.  If there is not enough time for all topics to be covered, those interested will have opportunity to catchup up during the evening dinner or after the event.

How long will each session run?  Each topic will start off with a 5 overview/intro by the person who suggested it and flow into further discussion for a few minutes.  After this time the room is asked whether they want to continue or are happy to move on.  Some topics will come to a natural conclusion within this time.  Other topics may warrant further discussion.  This is an opportunity to grab your colleagues name and follow up with them at the dinner or after the day to discuss this in more detail. 

As this is a collective Communities Day, you will be in the room with peers from other disciplines and your networking connections will grow exponentially through this. 
