Register Now

$940Incl GST

Earlybird Registration

 Earlybird Registration* includes access to both days of the summit, all catering, a ticket to the Welcome Drinks on Tuesday 01 October, after hours guided tour of Floriade and a ticket to the Dinner at The Marion on Wednesday 02 October and attendance to the partner sessions on Friday 04 October, plus a limited edition conference hoodie 

*closes COB Monday 9 September

Payments can be made using your credit card via our PayPal portal. If you are unable to pay by credit card, please contact for assistance.

Please indicate if you will be attending the Partner sessions on Friday 04 October. The sessions are complimentary to all Summit delegates.

Please note that your registration does not include accommodation. We are pleased to offer Summit delegates a discount code at a number of properties. Please go the accommodation page for further details.

All fees are inclusive of GST


You may transfer your registration to an appropriate institution representative at any time. If you are unable to find a suitable replacement CAUDIT will refund the balance of any registration fees paid minus any costs already incurred relating to the event.  All refunds will be processed immediately following the event.